
Burgmannenhaus Westerburg

Detailed description

The Burgmannenhaus is located in the upper town of Westerburg, not far from the church and castle.

The history

It was built in 1607 as the castle seat of the lower eagle family of the lords of Irmtraut. After 1700 it was a widow's seat and then served the count's administration. From 1886 to 1905 the first three councillors of the Westerburg district lived here. From 1920 to 33 the tax office was located here. During the time of National Socialism some rooms were used by the Hitler Youth. From 1945 onwards, bomb victims and displaced persons lived here.

After that the Burgmannenhaus was not used any more until it was renovated in 1987. In 2014 it was completely renovated for more than one million Euros, because the use of wrong materials had caused rot in the beams.

Present use

Today it is used by associations and for private celebrations. The cellar room is popular for small music events or lectures. The registry office is also located here.

More information and contact: https://www.stadt-westerburg.de/stadt/sehenswuerdigkeiten/burgmannenhaus

Brief description

The Burgmannenhaus of Westerburg

The Burgmannenhaus is located in the upper town of Westerburg, not far from the church and castle. It was built in 1607 as the castle seat of the lower noble family of the Lords of Irmtraut. In 2014, it was completely renovated at a cost of more than one million euros. Today it is used by associations and for private celebrations. The cellar room is popular for small music events or lectures. The registry office is also housed here.

Tip: From here, take a forest path to the Katzenstein. Don't be frightened: The Petermännchen might be haunted.

Translated: deepl

Contact and directions

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Neustraße 40
56457 Westerburg