The Crottorf moated castle in the municipality of Friesenhagen in Druiden.Hexen.SiegerLand is worth a visit this weekend. It is a former farm that was converted into a moated castle in 1542.
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The Crottorf moated castle in Druiden.Hexen.SiegerLand is surrounded by four striking towers with a cosy and equally romantic park with century-old trees. A Crottorf farm was first mentioned in 1326. This was converted into a moated castle by Johann von Selbach in 1542. In 1661, the artist Domenico Rosso described the moated castle as "a piece of paradise that fell from heaven".
Today the castle is the residence of Hermann Count Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg-Dönhoff.
A tour of the exterior is possible on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
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Contact and directions
Krottorf 3
51598 Friesenhagen (VG Kirchen)