Diana castle Greifenstein

Brief description

The hunting tower served as accommodation for Prince Ferdinand and his hunting party.

Detailed description

The forest idyll Dianaburg today actually consists of only one tower, yet it is a popular destination for many hikers. The Prince of Solms-Braunfels had the tower and two other buildings built in 1842/43 on the model of a Prague bridge tower. The Dianaburg served as accommodation for the great hunter of the Solms family, Prince Ferdinand, and his hunting party. Today it is a meeting place for all nature lovers, because the huge basalt blocks are a wonderful place to rest after a beautiful forest hike. Those who climb the castle find themselves on a terrace surrounded by treetops. After the prince's death, it was the home of several forestry families. The forester Born, who had lived in the house since 1898, offered drinks and food to the resting hikers. In 1903, the forestry hut belonging to Dianaburg was extended by another storey. A log cabin was added, which was initially intended for timber auctions, but later served as a place for socialising. During the First World War, the inn became lonely. Towards the end of the war, the forester Schweitzer moved into the forester's house and took care of the economy. After the Second World War, however, it became even quieter around the Dianaburg. The steadily growing motorisation almost completely drew the hikers out of the forests. After the last tenant, Würz, moved to Ulm in 1969, the buildings around Dianaburg were demolished. However, new life returned to the tower. It is maintained by its current tenant for walkers.

Vous trouverez ici une belle randonnée circulaire autour du château de Diana au départ d'Ulm.

Translated with DeepL (www.deepl.com).

Text: Gemeinde Greifenstein

Contact and directions

Im Bissenberg
35753 Greifenstein