
E-Bike Mietstation Tourist-Information Wisserland

Detailed description

You can find all information about the rental station on the linked homepage of the Verbandsgemeinde Wissen.

Brief description

The Wisserland-Touristik e. V. rents out 2 trekking e-bikes of the brand Giant, sizes M and L, from April to October inclusively. The rental takes place in cooperation with the local company Tretmühle (Wissen).

Contact and directions

If you decide to use Google Maps, your personal data will be processed by Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google's privacy policy then applies: www.google.com/intl/de_de/help/terms_maps.html Plan arrival

Bahnhofstr. 2 (im RegioBahnhof)
57537 Wissen