Provider Information
Frau Theresa Schneider-Gressnich
Dappricher Hof, Feriendorf Fohlenwiese, Block C
56479 Seck
Dogs (maximum 1, registration required, surcharge €6 per dog/night) are welcome.
Directions: from 56479 Seck on the L300 in the direction of Westerburg, turn left at the Gemünden junction and immediately turn left again and follow the signs to «Holzbachschlucht». The house is located in the holiday area "Hofgut Dapprich". Parking block C (parking is signposted).
Enter navigation system: Place: Seck, Street: Hofgut Dapprich.
Google Maps: Feriendorf Fohlenwiese.
Please contact the landlord at least 1 hour before arrival to hand over the keys (Tel.: 0173/9413969)
Arrival and departure times by arrangement. Usually arrival from 2 p.m., departure by 10 a.m
Contact and directions
Frau Theresa Schneider-Gressnich
Dappricher Hof, Feriendorf Fohlenwiese, Block C
56479 Seck
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