Hartig House Dillenburg

Brief description

Hartig maintained the first German forestry school, which he founded, in this house.

Detailed description

This two-storey timber-framed building named after the Chief Inspector of Forests Georg Ludwig Hartig is thought to have been built shortly after the great town fire (1723).

During his time in Dillenburg (1797 – 1806), Hartig used this building to house the first German forestry school (which he himself founded) for training aspiring forestry officials from Germany and abroad. Hartig made a great contribution to the planned reforestation of the vastly overexploited forests. In many places, the forests were no longer able to meet the need for wood resulting from the growing population and rapidly expanding industrial sector. Under Hartig’s management, the vastly overused forests were quickly restocked and gave the ability to perform as they still do today.

One quote from Hartig, which is more relevant than ever in today’s world: “Any wise forestry commission must make the greatest possible use of forests but in such a way that future generations will be able to enjoy as many benefits from them as the current generation does.”

The Hartig House was renovated under great financial cost in 1979. It is today regarded as one of the treasures of the Orange town.

Contact and directions

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Marbachstraße 18
35683 Dillenburg