Provider Information
Hotel Schlemmer
Kirchstraße 18
56410 Montabaur
Included: bottle of water in the room
Exclusive: Reduced admission to the local gym
Group and weekend rates on request
Check-in from 14:00 hrs, earlier possible on request
Check-out 11:00 a.m., extension possible on request
You can reach us from the A3 Cologne-Frankfurt:
Coming from the A3 from Cologne or Frankfurt, take the Montabaur exit, then drive in the direction of Montabaur on the B255 and take the second exit ("Montabaur Zentrum"); in the city, turn right at the first traffic lights and then left again into "Kirchstraße"; opposite the church, turn left into "Obere Plötzgasse". You will reach our hotel car park after approx. 150m. Inexpensive parking spaces are located in the immediate vicinity of the hotel.
You can reach us from the A48 Trier-Koblenz:
Take the A48 to the Dernbacher Dreieck, follow the signs to Frankfurt on the A3 and then follow the directions above.
From the main roads:
First follow the signs to the motorway. You will automatically be directed to the B255. Follow this road in the direction of Montabaur and take the second exit from the motorway as described above.
By train:
Travel times ICE
Montabaur - Frankfurt = 24 minutes
Montabaur - Cologne = 26 minutes
Contact and directions
Hotel Schlemmer
Kirchstraße 18
56410 Montabaur