
Hüttenschulzehaus Alsdorf

Brief description

Hüttenschulzehaus AlsdorfThe Hüttenschulzehaus in Alsdorf is one of the best preserved half-timbered houses in the municipality of Betzdorf.

Opening hours

An exterior tour is possible at any time.

Detailed description

The building, which was probably erected around 1680, is under a preservation order and can look back on an eventful past. For example, in 1743 the court aldermen of the Freusburg office gathered in the Hüttenschulzehaus. There they wrote down what was known to them from the oldest times of oral law. Until the introduction of the Civil Code, this had existed as "the matrimonial property and inheritance law of the former Reichgrafschaft Sayn-Altenkirchen".
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Contact and directions

If you decide to use Google Maps, your personal data will be processed by Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google's privacy policy then applies: Plan arrival

57518 Alsdorf