In 1939, this group of royal beeches, once three in total, was added to the list of natural monuments. In 1998, however, one of these majestic trees had to be felled because white rot had been detected in this beech. The remaining two tall beech trees standing about 700 m south-east of Herkersdorf in the Imhäusertal valley catch the eye of the attentive hiker. The group of beech trees has probably reached an age of about 380 years by now.
Directly on stage 13 of the Natursteig Sieg on the hiking trail between the miniature golf course and Herkersdorf in the Imhäusertal valley (Druiden.Hexen.SiegerLand), there are two majestic-looking royal beeches that have been natural monuments since 1939 and are already around 380 years old.
Contact and directions
57548 Kirchen-Herkersdorf
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