
Mon-Stiletto "RespektTiere"

Brief description

The so-called "Mon-Stilettos" accompany the visitors on their way from the Fashion Outlet Montabaur to the city centre and have meanwhile become a popular photo motif in the city. Translated with

Detailed description

It looks as if a black cat is lolling with relish on the Mon-Stiletto. With the head comfortably laid on the cap, the tail dangles casually inside the shoe and points with the tip to the message "Tender fur noses are looking for a home". On the collar of the cat is written "Respect animals", the motto of the Montabaur shelter, which is behind this stiletto.

Design: Animal welfare association Mons&Tabor e.V.; Design: Kerstin Pohl

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Contact and directions

If you decide to use Google Maps, your personal data will be processed by Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google's privacy policy then applies: Plan arrival

56410 Montabaur