
Protestant Church Frohnhausen

Detailed description

In ecclesiastical terms, Frohnhausen is an offshoot of Haiger, founded towards the end of the 14th century. However, the village already had its own parish around 1450. After the Reformation, the parish became independent and Wissenbach (until 1954) was assigned to it as a filial parish. In 1818, the villages of Manderbach (until 1967) and Nanzenbach (until 1954) were added.

On 26 July 1778, a fire had reduced the entire village, including the vicarage and church, to rubble. Only a few buildings were spared. When the village was rebuilt, the houses were strung together along exceptionally wide streets like strings of pearls. Anyone coming to Frohnhausen can still easily see the consequences of the fire disaster today.

By 1779, the first buildings were already standing again. The Protestant church in Frohnhausen was built on the same site, only larger and higher than the burnt church. Parts of the masonry indicate that the church was also used as a defence tower in earlier years.

From the remains of the old church bells, three new bells with corresponding inscriptions were cast in Hungen in October 1779 and hung "in the tower at their old orth" (Heimberger Solz) on 14 August 1782. They survived the Second World War and still call for church services in the village today.

Translated with Deepl (www.deepl.com)

Text: Ev. Dekanat an der Dill

Brief description

Frohnhausen already had its own parish around 1450.

Contact and directions

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Brühlstraße 26
35684 Dillenburg-Frohnhausen