Pumptrack und Dirtline Dietzhölztal

Detailed description

The pump track riding technique, pumping:

- Relieving the load on the bike (uphill)

- Loading the bike (downhill)

- Unload the device (uphill) Terms of use:

- Parents are liable for their children!

- Use at your own risk!

- Only ride the equipment when a second person is present.

- Use suitable protective equipment.

- Use suitable bicycles (BMX, dirt bikes) or suitable roller sports equipment.

- Enter only in the entrance area or at the starting point.

- Observe uniform direction of travel and safety distances.

- Show consideration for younger, inexperienced riders and other users.

- The track is not a recreational area!

- Only use the facility during daylight hours and when the road is dry.

- The track is neither cleared nor gritted in winter.

- After a fall, leave the track immediately.

- Objects on the track must be removed immediately.

- The facility must be kept clean.

Translated with DeepL (www.deepl.com).

Brief description

Asphalted Pumptrack and Dirtline in Dietzhölztal

Contact and directions

If you decide to use Google Maps, your personal data will be processed by Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google's privacy policy then applies: www.google.com/intl/de_de/help/terms_maps.html Plan arrival

Am Hammerweiher
35716 Dietzhölztal